

Société Archéologique du Rougier et Avant-Causses

Société Archéologique du Rougier et des Avant-Causes

Association loi de 1901   -   Siège social : Hôtel de Ville  -  12400 Saint Affrique 

(c) - kikilafé

Who is hiding behind this name "Kikilafé " ?

KKikilafé of his real name Philippe Martinez, treasurer of the S.A.R.A.C. and M.P.S.A.

Born in the city well known for its history, Arles sur Rhône, Passionate about computer science and history, it is all naturally that he has embarked on the realization of the site of the S.A.R.A.C.

Diploma from the IUT in Grenoble in electronics and electrical engineering, and a BTS in industrial computer science.

Married with 6 children, I arrived in the Aveyron in 1992, I was attracted from the beginning by its history and gastronomy.

Who is Kikilafé ?